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Sponsor a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Many individuals and companies like to show their support for the community or a charity close to their hearts.  Various charities rely heavily on the support of benefactors and their sponsored walks, parachute jumps, marathons and fun days, etc.

Unfortunately, due to the massive advertising budgets and awareness campaign of larger national charities, many equally important, but smaller local charities do not receive the same recognition and donations.   

I want to take this opportunity to tell you about “Sponsoring a Survivor”. 

Operation Emotion is a support system for Survivors of Rape and Childhood Sexual Abuse.  As you can imagine, the consequences of such trauma is extensive.  Our clients are often terrified children, distraught, angry, confused and suicidal. We offer survivors the chance to build their self-esteem, learn to trust, reclaim their lives and overcome the devastation of lost innocence.

By sponsoring one survivor to join Operation Emotion, you will ensure that he or she has access to what could be life saving support:

          • FREE Weekly Counselling
          • FREE Group Therapy
          • FREE Drop-in sessions
          • FREE Website & online support
          • FREE Art Therapy

To support one survivor on their “road to recovery”, will cost our charity £750 per year.

If you support charitable giving, I ask that you consider sponsoring a survivor of rape or childhood sexual abuse.  £750 will pay for one place on our programme of recovery.  Your support can be either anonymous or publicised, either as an individual or part of an organisation. You will be invited to meet survivors, though for obvious reasons of confidentiality you may not be able meet your particular beneficiary.   If agreeable, we would like to add you to our “Gift of Life”, list of thanks plaque.

To find out more about our organisation, recovery programme and the sponsorship opportunities, please call 01752 509605 or email martine@twelvescompany.co.uk


Operation Emotion is managed by Twelve's Company (Reg. Charity No. 1090457).  We are a non-profit making organisation and rely entirely on grants, donations and fund raising events

All the current staffing management of Operation Emotion is on a completely voluntary basis.

To continue our support of Operation Emotion, we are presently waiting to hear if we can secure grant funding.  However, this does not cover all our costs and we are grateful of any donations we received.  100% of your donation will be used to run Operation Emotion - we do not receive any administration costs.

To make a donation to Operation Emotion, please make cheques payable to "Twelve's Company" and clearly marked the back "Operation Emotion", and send to:

Operation Emotion

c/o Twelve's Company

12 Cumberland St
