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Flashbacks and/or Nightmares are common effects experienced by survivors who are suffering PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Flashbacks can be described as similar to dreams, only you are awake.  They can be very difficult to deal with and can often be triggered by sights, sounds, words, situations or smells.  Flashbacks are memories so strong that you may feel like you are actually reliving a traumatic experience.

The more stress you are under, the more likely you are to experience both Flashbacks and Nightmares.

When you begin therapy, you may expect immediate recovery or results.  But unfortunately no therapist has a magic wand to instantly take away your pain.  Therapy is not like a doctor that can set a broken leg, therapy takes time to heal the mind.

It is important that you talk with your counsellor about what your expectations are, and about what you need from session.